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Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index
Today 11 Showers 53° 43% 9 mph SE SE
Tonight 27 Mostly Cloudy 37° 8% 5 mph W W -
Tomorrow 26 Cloudy
Slight chance of a rain shower.
59° 15% 5 mph NW NW
Tomorrow night 29 Clouds Early/Clearing Late 39° 8% 5 mph SW SW -
Monday 30 Partly Cloudy
Slight chance of a rain shower.
61° 15% 10 mph SE SE
Monday night 45 Showers Late 45° 0.03in 56% 8 mph SSE SSE -
Tuesday 11 Showers 62° 0.06in 56% 10 mph SSE SSE
Tuesday night 12 Rain 52° 0.25in 87% 7 mph S S -
Wednesday 12 Rain 60° 0.5in 89% 8 mph SSE SSE
Wednesday night 11 Showers 48° 0.13in 72% 6 mph NE NE -
Thursday 39 AM Showers 66° 0.02in 42% 10 mph NNE NNE
Thursday night 29 Partly Cloudy 46° 21% 7 mph NNE NNE -